The Fine Print

I love that the truth about our creating our own reality is mainstream. That we are living in the life we are consistently manifesting through our thoughts, emotion, and actions. What I missed about “Build it and They Will Come” is the caveat that read:

“Before you build it, make sure you have a stable income, enough money in the bank to support you until “they come” and patience in the process to do whatever it takes along the way to the fulfillment of the dream.” I’m not bitter about anything. I’m not worried that our dreams aren’t being manifested in some form even if it’s not in our current reality or may never make it to this plane while we’re in this present human form. Seriously, I’m not bitter.

As I, along with a lot of other amazingly inspired people, look to our dreams and manifestation boards on a daily basis as we sit in moments of quiet meditation and a series of blessings and releasings, wonder how I’ll buy the next bag of kibble for the dogs I knew were supposed to live with me. I have to wonder whose dream I was following. I sure thought it was mine.

I still am inspired. I love most of my life. I like who I am – that’s a good start. I don’t particularly like how I am beginning to think I’m viewed by others as I move from inspired goal and “wouldn’t that be fun to try” pattern to another. I don’t see that changing dramatically – sorry.

I am inspired to ask how in the heck the price of our homes increased beyond anyone’s expectations only to drop lower in one year than they’ve been in 10 years as we’re financed based on the “anyone’s expectation” mentioned above. How did every healthy food product that I consume suddenly increase in value to $4.99? No wonder so much junk food is being consumed. There wasn’t a reason before, now there is. I still can’t go there, so $4.99 for my tomatoes, it is.

Won’t our health care prices have to match the fact that since people can’t afford to feed their kids real fruit and vegetables they’ll eat even more junk and need more medical attention? (Perhaps a new profession for yours truly?) I’m not going to mention gas prices because everyone is all a twitter that the price is below $4.00. Are we that easy? I think we are. And, they know it.

My greatest inspiration. . .to interview for jobs that pay less than what the jobs paid ten years ago while everything else rose “beyond our wildest dreams.” It wasn’t my dream. Who is responsible for that dream? Somehow we all bought into it. Can’t afford the dream in real time? Charge it. “Charge it and it will Come.”

I will read the fine print next time. I will look closely at every asterisk that can be traced to the back of the contract that says: “Build it and They Will Come, but first. . . “

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