Archive for the 'Breast Cancer' Category

Cancer Studies – Who Is In Control Of The Science?

Monday, October 9th, 2023

I thought this information was worthy of a post on the Dysfunction Junction Blog.

It’s that pink time of year where billion of dollars are made promoting pink products. Since my diagnosis of breast cancer 12 years ago, nothing much has changed. There is supposedly a “race for the cure”. The real question is how can they talk about a cure when they don’t understand enough about what it is they’re curing.

There are no new preventative treatments and the things that we can take as a support to our immune system during treatment are still seldom offered as part of the protocol.  The big three standards of surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy are followed.  Tamoxifen may also be a part of the treatment series and typically prescribed post surgery for those with estrogen-positive cancer.   The concern is not so much about should these drugs/treatments be used but whether they should be the only option. Yearly, there are billions of dollars being donated.  Where are the results of the studies for the origin, prevention, and safer treatments of cancer? By the time we get to a “cure”, it is often too late, and/or the person has a recurrence that is this time deemed incurable.  (This question is not exclusive to breast cancer) Let’s follow a tiny bit of the science.

Astra-Zeneca is the manufacturer of Tamoxifen.  Tamoxifen is an estrogen modulator.  Many breast cancers are estrogen positive (high in estrogen) and an estrogen modulator is given to block the receptor cells for estrogen in the breast which, in a sense redirects it to the uterus. That is a blog post in itself.

Tamoxifen was originally created as a contraceptive pill.  Because of its interaction with estrogen, they eventually found it could not be used as intended.  Well, perhaps it’s not all a loss.  Studies continued and they found a new use for the drug.  Tamoxifen was repurposed as one of the key treatment options for not only reducing the likelihood of recurrence of breast cancer but also given to some women as a preventative.

Here’s where it gets interesting, sad, and infuriating.  Astra-Zeneca is also responsible for Syngenta who makes the herbicide, atrazine.  Guess what atrazine does? It’s used in pesticides for weed control.  Atrazine is an estrogenic.  Sound familiar?  It contributes to the cancer that Tamoxifen is supposed to treat.  It has been banned in Europe for this reason.   It is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminating US drinking water.

I realize the drug companies are huge and they manufacture so many varied products with some good and some bad.  I also know that removing this one pesticide will not eradicate cancer, but it could be a start. This is just one example of how a billion dollar corporation contributes to creating the dis-ease they are also receiving money to treat.  If this continues, we’ll be running this race for a very long time.

Cancer and Memory Lane

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015

I can’t think of anything more worthy of a post (or trip) to  dysfunction junction than our medical system – especially as it relates to cancer.  It’s Pinktober again.  While I completely understand and appreciate the joining together for a cause, breast cancer is not a celebration nor is it going to go away because of everyone supposedly supporting the “fight.” I do believe I experience a bit of post-traumatic stress in October because of everyone bringing “awareness” to breast cancer.  Join me for a walk down memory lane. . .

Prior to my having surgery,  it was automatic that I schedule an appointment with radiology and oncology.  Seriously; I’m going over the plan of action with the surgeon still in disbelief about what I’m doing and I’m told they will be scheduling my appointment with a radiologist and oncologist. Oncologist means one thing.  Cancer.  May I take a moment to let that settle in?  I asked to wait as I didn’t know what I would do post surgery.  I was strongly encouraged to schedule the appointments and to at least meet with them.  I refer to this process as the conveyer belt of treatment.

I let them schedule the appointments, and word got out that I wasn’t planning on doing either of the recommended treatments.  First appointmet – radiology.  Just a few days post surgery I enter the office of the head of radiology.  The nurse greats me with a big smile and asks, “do you have a will?”  I’m sure my face went white as I said, “no, uh, do you know something I don’t?”  She said this was her standard question to everyone because it’s good to be prepared.  I understand the truth in that, but since I was a little raw in that moment, couldn’t they send me home with some information to read? I really wish someone had been there to videotape my entire visit as most of this will sound unbelievable.  It’s all true.

In walks a nice looking man obviously in the position of authority.  After the basics, he smirks and says, “I understand you don’t want to have radiation therapy – why?” I said it was counter-intuitive. His expression was priceless.  In spite of still being in a daze with all that was happening, I held my ground and explained that I didn’t understand killling healthy cells because there might be some unhealthy ones.  I won’t go into the full extent of the conversation, but I will share that when he told me they were able to pinpoint extremely accurately the site of the tumor (I felt the need to remind him the tumor had been removed with clear margins). I asked  if he could guarantee there would be no subsequent damage to my ribs, lungs, and heart.  I also asked if it was now so safe, would he please stay in the room with me while I received the treatment. I wonder if he remembers me like I remember him.

I also said I might choose to do it later after I knew more of what was happening with my body.  He said it didn’t work that way.  What way?  I commit to it now while I’m weak and vulnerable?  Commit to it now because you can scare me into making a decision that isn’t necessary for me to make at that exact moment?  Where’s the empathy and willingness to listen? He did leave me with some kind, thoughtful, first-do-no-harm wisdom; “this could kill you.”  I did manage to say, “and so could a bus.”  (“I’m rubber, you’re glue; everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you” came to mind more than once).

I wasn’t angry or snappy but completely bewildered. He did everything he could to persuade me, and I graciously thanked him for his input and time.  I didn’t feel brave making this decision.  I was honoring what I knew was right for me, and that, unfortunately, is quite often, the road less traveled. It didn’t come easy but with a lot of prayer, research, and tears. It’s also not a judgement against anyone elses choice.  It was my choice.

When I see all the pink promotion, that’s one of the stories I remember.  It’s not pretty and pink.  It’s not a fight I wish on anyone.  I’m so blessed to be healthy and to know I can trust my God-sourced intuition.  All I ask – “think before you pink.”

—My heart goes out to the many women with high-stage cancer as there are limited treatment options available. With all the money being donated, this fight should be won–


Monday, September 29th, 2014

Most think of the big promotion in October as Halloween – well, brace yourself as all things pink appear.  There will be a massive pink washing as breast cancer awareness month begins.  I am a survivor.  I don’t make light of that for a nanosecond.  However, I have much to say about the consumerism that surrounds me and my fellow survivors.  There isn’t a month-long marketing campaign for other cancers.  Why this one?  Think about it.  There’s big money in supporting a cause that involves women and shopping.

I live down the street from the Ford dealership.  Soon, their car lot will be decorated in pink balloons (lots of them) and a large sign promoting breast cancer…awareness.  I guess I could just drive by, honk, and wave as I graciously thank them for their support.  I may be wrong here and making a wild assumption – but, couldn’t they just donate funds privately?  Use the money spent on marketing and decor to help women in need during treatment.  Just a thought.

Last year, while in Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I was mesmerized as I saw brooms, mops, irons, and miscellaneous other household items being sold in pink.  If you like pink, go for it.  However, if you purchase said goods with the idea you are helping “the cause”; on the generous side, 1% of that goes toward said cause.  The money spent on production and marketing could be used much more effectively without the waste of manufacturing stuff that will end up in storage-land until next Pinktober.

I know many are well-intentioned.  People feel good contributing.  We should contribute.  I’m not a Debbie-downer – just aware of billions of dollars that are donated for a so-called awareness while there is little talk of prevention or cures that are less damaging to the healthy cells of our body.  I have an idea.  How about using the money toward a movement to end the practice of fracking.  Here’s another one…ending the use of so many toxic pesticides from which all cancers flow.  There’s no limit to much needed and necessary causes.

I find it difficult to join in the “fight for a cure.”  Sorry.  I’m not sure what that means.  Fight?  That’s the word we use?  The only thing that should be fighting is our immune system.  You won’t (yet) find it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond; but, did you know you can even buy a pink handgun?  Must be for all this fighting.

This is a bit of a rant. Okay, a complete rant.  One I feel compelled to share as I encourage everyone to “think before you pink.”

If you are so moved, please watch the movie, “Pink Ribbons”.  Excellent and informative.  Also, if you want to support and follow an amazing group of women, check out Breast Cancer Action here: